PR & Consumer Campaigns
Slice’s P.I.E. Society of America
Summer months are traditionally a slower time for the pizza industry. While the weather got warmer and eaters turned from pizza to BBQs, Slice decided to launch a buzz-worthy consumer campaign that would bring customers and media’s attention back to pizza. Slice launched the P.I.E. Society of America (P.I.E. standing for Promoting Independents Everywhere). We were scouting 50 representatives from across the country who wanted to share their love of pizza with the world while supporting their neighborhood independents. Resident Heads of Pizza would receive $2,000+ in pizza, cash and prizes. Applicants were able to apply to represent their state in Slice's P.I.E. Society of America and get free pizza for an entire year.
This mission driven campaign drove over 30K hits to our website, over 6K applications and nearly 30 unique press hits — our larger consumer press campaign to date. In addition to the media attention and buzz, Slice also brought on 50 built-in brand ambassadors and content creators that would support our mission and visit independent pizzeria shops around the country.
To learn more about the program, click here.